2021 In Review
I took a step back from my work in the fall of 2018 because I became pregnant with my youngest and found myself kneeling to the porcelain god 4-5 times a day and just trying to hold it together. I gradually and slowly picked up work after she turned one, I really amped it up this year and 2021 has been my best year so far! I’m good with leaving some things on the table for the time being with my youngest is still at home, but I still tend to feel like I don’t get enough done, like I left too many ideas un-done (you should see how many canvas’s I have started and not finished)……until I created a year in review reel on Instagram. (Check it out here)
That was just a sample of paintings completed this year. Seeing that, I realized maybe I somehow managed to do way more than I thought I did (and with bad art tossed aside in between - yes it’s not all shareable!)…….still not sure how all of this was created, but I thought it would be fun to document a year in review in pictures to see all (or at least most) of the work completed this year.
There’s still a few paintings + lots of mini’s + a few commissions not pictured here. Seeing them all together makes me feel pretty darn productive for the year. I have to be completely honest - I have my tax guy to thank. He threatened me last year saying if my income didn’t exceed my expenses this year I would no longer be able to claim it as a business and we’d have to list it as a hobby……..oh heck no he did not just call me a hobbyist. It gave me the motivation I needed to get out there more. 👊 I tripled my income this year and I’ll still be claiming this as a business on the tax returns. Thank you tax guy for pushing me to level up. Ready to set some bigger goals for next year. 🙌 It’s always a balance between art business and stay-at-home-Mom/Mom to teens and all their activities by night. So to keep my priorities with goals behind wife & Mom, I’ll be outsourcing some of that work in 2022. I’ve already found someone who helped me re-vamp my website and I’m so excited to outsource the pieces of business I really don’t like doing anyway! :) psst….check out the re-vamped website linked here - RhondaSchrage.com - some of the paintings pictured above are still available!
Happy New Year friends! I pray your 2022 is full of goodness and growth.